Taking Turns
Wrestling matches can be thought of as short films, and each move performed as a scene in the film. It's up to the players to decide which moves they want to be featured.
On the left is the Turn List Panel, which kind of acts like a scene playlist. Moves and animations will be performed in order as the players choose one by one. At the very top are some manipulators to aid with this.
The + Button will add a fresh clear new entry at the bottom of the playlist
The - Button will remove whichever entry is selected from the playlist.
The Copy button will copy whichever entry is selected and then change into a paste button. The player will then select whichever index they what their copied selection to replace and paste it there.
The Dup button will duplicate whatever entry is selected into the very next index.
The Swap button will take switch the indexes of whichever two moves have been chosen.
The ins button will add a new entry in between the selected index and its proceeding index. So if entry 7 was selected, entry 8 would then become entry 9 and entry8 would house the newly created entry. All the other buttons will have their indexes update accordingly.
The Br button stands for branching. When choosing a move in Project Joshi, there is an assist to make choosing moves much faster and easier, and this is the branching system. Once a player chooses a move for their wrestler to perform, they immediately limit their options for their next move. If for example they chose to implement a Sleeper Hold, they would not then be able to do a Top Rope Diving Moonsault as neither they nor their opponent are in the appropriate positions to perform the move.
Players will each have their own respective playlists of moves and their wrestlers will take it turns to perform their created playlists. These playlist creations will be set as the match is happening, so players will need to strategize and plan their next moves wisely.
This system also means that player's can choose their moves and playlists before the match starts, which entire wrestling matches can be produced and simulated from start to finish.